Image laying out the steps for how to happen to life. The first step is "Think it." The second step is "Speak it." The third step is "Do it."

Think… Speak… Do!

Most times, being analytical is a good thing. However, in the case of achieving goals, you have to know when to pump the brakes. Three simple rules to #Happen2Life are: 1) Think It, 2) Speak it, and Do it! All the stuff in between just holds up progress.

Photo of an individual pushing an extremely large boulder up a ramp with a steep incline. Include #Happen2Life

Keep pushing

All of us have encountered struggle at some point. If you’re alive, you’ve had to push thru something. It starts at a very early age; and some master the art then– for others, it makes a little more time. The trick is to keep pushing because the moment you give up is the moment you fail.

The Challenge…

Why didn’t it happen? Why haven’t your dreams come true? Are you tired of responding to these questions with the cliché, “Life happens…”? Well, until you decide to be intentional in getting the ball rolling towards your hopes, goals and dreams…the response will never change. I challenge you:


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