Image focused on the face of someone who is working thru pain with teardrops falling from one eye.

Created by pain

Think back to one of your greatest accomplishments. For some, that’s giving birth, winning a race, or completing a life long goal. No matter what comes to mind… I’m sure we can agree that it took lots of hard work, and maybe even some sweat, tears and pain. Now let me ask you – Was it worth it? Usually pain is the ugliest Creator of beauty.

Image of broken frames surrounded by shattered glass. Includes #Happen2Life

Find your silver lining

It’s true… You can wake up on the wrong side of the bed and sometimes the glass is just half empty. Everyday can’t be a good day, but everyday can have silver linings. Some days it may be a little harder than most days to find a reason to think positive, but don’t give up on the search. Find your silver lining. #Happen2Life

Image of a runner training for a marathon alone. Includes #Happen2Life

Chase a dream or two

We don’t always reach our goals on the first try. Sometimes it takes months, years, or even decades! Don’t get discouraged by the lack of results. Effort builds endurance which is what it takes to reach most goals. Just work that ‘muscle of effort’ so you can chase a dream or two. Eventually, you will reach the goal. Eventually, you will #Happen2Life

Photo of an individual pushing an extremely large boulder up a ramp with a steep incline. Include #Happen2Life

Keep pushing

All of us have encountered struggle at some point. If you’re alive, you’ve had to push thru something. It starts at a very early age; and some master the art then– for others, it makes a little more time. The trick is to keep pushing because the moment you give up is the moment you fail.

Don’t Stop

I’m taking lessons from automobiles these days. It’s true! I was sitting in the car this morning at the gas…

image of a roadblock inteh middle of the street. Includes #Happen2Life

Get out of your own way!

In your own way is the worst place to stand. Take a moment to analyze why you haven’t reached your full potential or a particular goal. If the road block happens to be the person in the mirror, do not give yourself permission to take any detours. #‎ThinkSpeakDo‬ ‪#‎Happen2Life‬

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