Image of broken frames surrounded by shattered glass. Includes #Happen2Life

Find your silver lining

It’s true… You can wake up on the wrong side of the bed and sometimes the glass is just half empty. Everyday can’t be a good day, but everyday can have silver linings. Some days it may be a little harder than most days to find a reason to think positive, but don’t give up on the search. Find your silver lining. #Happen2Life

Image of sound waves traveling to an ear. Includes #Happen2Life

Positive earworms only

When you think of earworms, what comes to mind? Christmas songs? Goofey jingles? Someone starts humming and you can usually finish the tune… You hear these sounds start and you can’t get them out of your head for the rest of the day! Did you know that phrases can also act as earworms? Especially negative phrases. For example, if you hear “you can’t” enough… Usually it will effect you or you’ll start to believe it and convert it to “I can’t!” Tune your ears to positive earworms only.

Image of a rack with a bunch of clothes hanging from it. Includes #Happen2Life

Wear confidence

Most people (at least the majority of females…) can relate to rummaging thru their closet to find the perfect outfit. Often the frustration shared is that nothing looks (or fits) right. More often than not, if you call a friend for feedback they will tell you that you look fine and you don’t need all the flashy colors or extra accessories. So what’s missing? Sometimes you just need a little self-assurance. Take the time to find your confidence and don’t apologize for wearing it.

Photo of an individual pushing an extremely large boulder up a ramp with a steep incline. Include #Happen2Life

Keep pushing

All of us have encountered struggle at some point. If you’re alive, you’ve had to push thru something. It starts at a very early age; and some master the art then– for others, it makes a little more time. The trick is to keep pushing because the moment you give up is the moment you fail.

Image of a smiley face emoji standing on a beach taking the time to meditate in silence. Includes #Happen2Life

Moment of happiness

I remember starting out each day in elementary school with a moment of silence. Since it was a public school, the principal wasn’t allowed to tell us to pray, but when you grow up in the Bible belt- you know that’s exactly what it means. As a child, I would take this time to pray, meditate on a scripture I had read earlier, or just think positive thoughts – which I didn’t know at the time were affirmations. As adults, we should take these brief moments as well. Each day offer an authentic moment of happiness. Sometimes you have to think really hard to pick it out, but it’s totally worth the effort and helps out when you need to reset a bad day.

Image of a caterpillar evolving into a butterfly. Includes #Happen2Life

Evolve on purpose

I dream big…and sometimes too big! It’s never in the sense that my goals aren’t achievable – sometimes they just aren’t realistic for the time frame that I want. Guess what? That’s OK! It’s perfectly fine to have dreams that force you to become more focused, more organized, more responsible, more optimistic, etc. So long as you become the person it takes to achieve the goals that you set. #BeIntentional #ThinkSpeakDo #Happen2Life

image of a sun woth rainclouds and a rainbow. Includes #Happen2Life

Life is what you make of it…

Such is life. We are presented with a variety of situations on a daily basis. How you choose to react to these is what determines whether you have a good day or a bad one. Every days the sun comes out is another opportunity you have to change the world. Do you drown in the puddles or keep your head up and splash in them? Life is what you make it, I hope you choose to #Happen2Life

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